Capacity Building

Capacity Building Files
Award letter – awareness & Training CST – WRST
CST Awareness Seminar_Abu Road_13-14. Dec. 2014
CST Training Program_Abu Road_Report 2015
Report_CST Technology Training_Abu Road_17-19 April 2015
CST Training Program_Abu Road_Report 2015
UNDP Award letter

Training Center

“One of the aims of India One Solar Plant has been to build capacity and contribute to creation of the sustainable local communities.”

In 2014 World Renewal Spiritual Trust (WRST) was awarded with an assignment for Development of Awareness Cum Training Centre on Concentrating Solar Thermal (CST) Technologies under United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Global Environment Facility (GEF) assisted Concentrated Solar Heat Project of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India.

The CST Center located at “India One” Solar Thermal Power Plant in Abu Road, Rajasthan had o two objectives.:

1) to create awareness among various groups of stakeholders from industries, institutions & commercial establishments with the aim to generate proposals for installations of CST based systems at their establishments and

2) to support the capacity building of CST manufacturers and entrepreneurs in the area of CST quality especially in the field of mirror reliability, durability, performance improvements, manufacturing skills, customization of end user products / systems etc.

CST Center in Abu organized nine CST Awareness Seminars for interested end users and entrepreneurs with live demonstration of CST technologies. During the 2 day seminar program, participants could explore and deepen their knowledge on available CST technologies and their applications with the support of practical case studies; they were able to learn how to determine the best system design for their requirements and could get acquainted with the relevant MNRE, UNDP-GEF policies and support.

There were six CST Technology Trainings for manufacturers and entrepreneurs with the live demonstration of CST technologies. During the 3 day training program, participants were able to explore and gain practical experience on 16 SQM Scheffler paraboloid reflector – its concept, design, fabrication and installations aspects. Training was a fusion of theoretical and practical field sessions. Sessions were conducted by experts having long time association and practical experience with Scheffler elliptical dishes.

More than 350 entrepreneurs, industrialists, institutions, manufactures, academicians and governmental officials took part and benefit from the programs organized by the CSTCenter.

As proven by programs conducted, CST Seminars and Trainings created an excellent platform for networking and relationship building within the CST field in India that continuous up to date.

Training Center on Concentrating Solar Thermal Technologies:

Awarness Creation

AC1 (68)

Yearly, 1 million people visit the Brahma Kumaris Shantivan campus and “India One” Solar Thermal Power Plant.

These are the students of the Brahma Kumaris, various dignitaries, academicians, entrepreneurs, environmentalists, and people who simply care for nature, from India and abroad.

They can learn about the current condition of the Earth, renewable energy that they can use, and change of lifestyle required for combating the consequences of climate change.

Vocal for Local

“India One” Solar Thermal Power Plant - Make in India

Social Care


India One Solar Thermal Power Plant

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